Yesterday was one hell of a day. Our cat that we had since I was in 8th grade pasted away. He had been sick for about a week my mom and dad took him to the vet, and he was put on a bunch of medicine. He had Crystals in his urine that clogged up his urethra. So, he couldn't pee, and all of it was trapped in his bladder. We believe the urine backed up into his kidney and his kidney failed.

As if that wasn't bad enough, my parents have been battling with the mortgage company for about 8 months now, ever since my mom lost her job, trying to save their house from going into foreclosure. We after my mom came home and I told her the news about the cat, she checked the mail and they received a letter from the mortgage company. The letter stated that their house is now in foreclosure, and if they would like to keep the house they need to pay the remainder of their mortgage, which is around 70,000 dollars.
That means that me and josh will now have to find another place to live or move again with my parents where ever they end up moving to. This will be the 5th time in the last year that Josh and I had to move. We were kicked out of 4 other houses/apartments this year, because we could no longer pay rent. We are both out of work right now. I lost my job in October of last year, and Josh has went threw hell trying to find a steady job. He does odd jobs here and there, but you cannot always count on them when you really need them.

I really do feel horrible, and I try to keep my cool. Still after all we have been through I feel so bad for the child we are going to bring into this world. He is not going to be able to have nice things, fancy birthday parties, and god knows if we are even going to have a steady place to raise him. The way we have been in and out of places it's ridiculous. One can only hope and pray that one of the million applications we put in will actually give one of us a chance. Shit, I would be exciting if McDonalds would give us a call back.
Oh yeah, and that news isn't the end neither. My mom's friend from school also passed away. Yeah, when it rains it pours, I guess. All we can do is hold on for dear life, and pray that another day will be brighter.
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